Friday, December 16, 2011

Correspondence from the States

Bonjour!  Hello!

Well, we have been back in the swing of things stateside for about 3 weeks now.  Yes, my faithful followers, Customs let us back in the States. 

When we actually had time to review the pics we took I was taken aback.  There are 799 photos, many of which are too dark, not really clear or just plain unidentifiable.  A CS client works at a photo place and will take a look at them to see what can be cleaned up.  I love to take pics, enlarge and place in intricate places.  For instance, I have a metro sign leading down to my basement and I pass under the Eiffel Tower every time I go up or down my stairs. 

Well, here are some top pics for now:

This is the Seine from Pont Neuf (we believe).  Pont Neuf was the bridge we walked over most often.  Anyway, this was our first day in Paris, just hours after arrival.

Here I am in front of the Pyramid in the Louve courtyard.  We entered the Louve thru the pyramid.  Below are pics of the Mona Lisa.  I included both so you can see the actual size of the Mona Lisa.  While its not as small as many have said, it isn't massive either.

We lit candles at Notre Dame, which we were at nearly every day.  Notre Dame was about 1/2 mile (at most) from our apartment.

Well, here is a view of the Eiffel Tower right smack dab in front of it.  We visited early in the day as we took our first adventure on the Metro so see how long it would take us to get there so we weren't late for dinner that evening.

This is our view from our dinner table at the Eiffel Tower!  Magnificent.  We had a table for 2 right in up to the window.

This was my appetizer at the Eiffel Tower.  Andy had the same thing.  It is a prawn with avacado and that thing sticking up tasted like a tortilla.  Very tasty!

Well, I've tried to load more pics but I keep losing them so this covered Day 1, 2, 3 for the most part.  More to come in later days. 

  Until next time.......

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beaujolais Day


Well, today is the long awaited uncorking of the 2011 Beaujolais Nouveau.   While we did not participate in the running thru the streets in Burgundy area we did participate in the drinking of the wine.  Andy had a sip but I dove right in.

As to our adventures of today.....we decided to revisit the galleries area to get a bit more of the Opera area in before we left.  After losing the Starbucks shop, then finding one again we made our way back (believe me we walked and walked) to the Printemps and Galleries Lafayette shops.  The windows of Printemps, as I mentioned yesterday, are fascinating.  The puppets are quite animated and mesmerize little children.

We spent quite some time just roaming the stores in the galleries just to window lick (as they say in France) until we really needed to get something to eat.  As we were leaving we found yet another Tiffanys.  This time I looked with intent.  I decided against even thinking about buying anything because everything referred to Tiffanys NEW YORK!  Well, I wanted Tiffanys Paris.  Apparently there isn't really one.  Oh well!  So much for my Tiffany item.

We strolled the Rues of Paris for quite some time and came across, yet again, the Au Pied de Cocbon (the pig bistro).  Jennifer Joy told me this was the place that had the absolute best French Onion Soup so we decided to give it  a try.  We get in and have to wait because it is there changeover time, I guess.  No one really spoke much English so I picked at words I knew and figured it out from there.  They are taking the Beaujolais day very seriously.  They have all kinds of purple ballons in the shape of grape clusters encircling the entrance.  The matre de shoves glasses of beaujolais in our hands while we wait for a table.  When we finally get a table, we order our French Onion Soup......they came quite some time later because the french take their time.  Andy's looked amazing. Mine did as well but a bit more well done. Normally, a little crunch to my cheese is heavenly but I could not get my spoon thru the cheese.  I tapped away and started giggling as well as the lady next to me.  I got the attention of someone, showed him what I was doing and he took my soup away.  A few minutes later I get a perfect crock of soup. These crocks were huge and the soup was absolutely the best tasted in all of Paris.  There was so much cheese and bread in this soup that the base was almost creamy.

This was all we needed to eat and walked out stuffed.  Luckily we were still quite a distance from the apartment.  We walked and walked and decided to hit the shops of Ille de Cite area one more time for some last minute gifts.  Then it was off to the apartment.

While we are not in for the night, this will probably be my last blog until back in the States.  We will be strolling the Seine one last time tonight then staying in.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring but we will end up at the Hyatt Regency at CDG airport area.  We need to be at the airport quite early Saturday morning so we decided it would be best the spend the night as close as we can get.

So to all my faithful followers, aurvoir!  Until the States!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A relaxing day


I'm sure by now you are all thinking I am unable to spell.  French, maybe but could just be laziness as well.  I see things are not necessarily spelled correctly but I am too lazy to go back and fix so there ya go!

Today was Andy's day.  To date I have been doing most of the adventure seeking and kinda 'telling" him its what he wants to do and of course since I'm a Princess he agrees.  I have seen how tired he has been so today I offered up a couple options but made it his day.

So off we Ille Saint Louis which is a small island behind Notre Dame area.  It is one of the oldest parts of Paris but so peaceful.  It is a very chilly day so we are bundled up and strolling the streets of Ille St Louis to locate the long line to Berthillon IceCream, very well known to anyone searching out Paris information as being the best Ice Cream found.  I assumed it to be quite a bit of hype but probably good none the same.  Being it was just before noon and very chilly there was literally no line, which is unheard of so in we go.  There are a few choices of ice cream flavors as well as some brownies and other pastries.  As I'm rattling off the yumminess of the things a fellow customer turned to me and said....Berthillon is well known for their exceptional ice cream. I said I knew but the other items looked good as well.  Her reply was a quiet voice to me that next door had all kinds of things to eat at your leisure and Berthillon was for the ice cream.  Well, wasn't I given the hint.  So over we go to decide what flavors we wanted.  As the woman left she gave me a secret smile and told me to have a good day and enjoy my ice cream. 

I elected vanilla and Andy elected banana.  The vanilla was a brownish color and the scoop was miniscule by my standards but ooooohhhhhhh!!!  heavenly!!!!  It was like the vanilla beans were grounded down to cream and frozen - that is how fabulous the ice cream flavor was.  Andy pretty much had a similar description of the banana. 

As we wondered the streets we came across a resident home that had drain pipes that had fish mold as part of the drain and many gilded additions.  I would love to add pic to this blog but as you know that is not something we have been able to translate to date.

Next we come across a biscuit shoppe and as soon as we walked in the madam offered us a sample.  Oh my goodness - such decadence so we grab a bag and plastic glove and off we are...electing flavors to purchase to try.  Will this madness never end????  How will I ever go back to normal eating?  Is it the Paris spell on me? One may never really know.

We made our way back to the apartment to press the dryer button again to try to dry our 3 items (only in france).  Andy decided he wanted to do some gift shopping so off we go.  As I said it is quite chilly today.  What that translates into is that many of the open air shops are not open or if so, have limited items out.  Every day we walk by shop after shop of touristy items but so many.  Actually very few so after a couple hours of being lost (how lost are we really - after all we are in Paris!) we bought some frommage and a demi bagette and had our lunch.  We relax a bit, fall asleep actually!  It is now time for Andy to decide what to do this evening.  We end up at a local shop where these elderly madams make all the food that is comfort food and you buy by weight.  We get roasted poullet, creamed spinich, roasted potatoes and gateau de riz (Oh my god!  rice pudding!!! could it be?!)

We have just finished eating our "home cooked meal" and I am already dreaming of dessert of gateau de riz!  This is also the evening of the Beaujolais Nouveau release!  What I have been waiting for!  I will try to stay awake till midnight but I just don't know if my body will participate in that same mission.  We will see....if not I will be visiting Nicholas to purchase my bottle first thing in the morning!  I am so excited to taste my beloved beaujolais as young as it can be!

Until then.......sweet dreams!

An extra note

Bonjour!  My faithful followers....

You are quite lucky today in that I stumbled over  pictures of the Printemps store window displays I mentioned in yesterdays blog.  The puppets were quite fascinating and much todo was put forth to make these windows be the shining star of the season.

The article I read mentioned the unvailing of the window displays brought out Karl Langerfeldt and a famous french singer whose voice echoes throughout the are at the display.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The streets of Paris from my eyes


Well, today started out with our local handyman sanding the steps of the apartment once again.  The French are very good at keeping these very old buildings looking handsome.  While we curse the spiral stairs every day we walk up them, they are quite beautiful if you are just looking from the comforts of the apartment with no more intent of walking them for the day.

Our adventure was to meld two walks from "24 great walks in Paris". Today was "The Madeline District" and "The Phantom of the Opera".  Of course, as is our fashion, we never quite start at the beginning of any walk but somewhere in the middle or end based on where the RER or Metro take us with ease. 

The Madeline District brought us to a few churches, the first being the Polish Church, which I cannot say much about since it was very close to Chanel store.  Again, window shopping is all I can afford to do.  Our next stop was the church of la Madeleine.  What a magnificent structure, almost greek in nature; simple in structure but with massive pillars.  The church is dedicated to St mary Magdalene.  The top frieze in the front show Jesus with Mary Magdalene kneeling besinde him, entreating him to forgive our sins.  Upon entering the church it was almost errie but you can clearly see the dedication to Mary.  This seemed the place to say prayers for Jodi in hopes of her having strength and courage to be the best she could for her mother.  

We walked several blocks to Chapelle Expiatoire, which is a small park where many families go to be at peace, for children to play and just to relax and enjoy the beauty.  Finally, the end of this walk brought us to one of my personal favorite saints and a much beloved one to the French.....St Joan of Arc.  The statue is of Joan on a horse dressed in armour looking much like the tomboy trying not to be discovered a girl.  She led the french to battle during 100 year war and eventually was burned at the stake, deemed a witch. 

We continued our trek to The Phantom of the Opera by walking down Haussman, where we believe Andy really saw Tiffanys (yes stubborness still).  We came across two department stores (malls by our standards) - Printemps and Galleries Lafayette.  Printemps has unbelievable storefront windows, most put on my Chanel using puppets with quite animated songs with movement.  This store area houses 9 floors of all high end shops from burberrys to chanel to TIFFANYS to YSL, Hermes and on and on.  I found a beautiful gold YSL bracelet as well as a lovely necklace from Coach, both within a price that would not take us to the poor farm but, as Andy said....we need nothing to bring back...our gift is Paris itself (so well said from the man who knows how much we are spending!).  Galleries Lafayette, on the other hand, was much more lower end such as Diesel, MGI, etc. My big mission here was to find les Toilettes as we had stopped at a Starbucks along the way for our daily drink.

Andy was sure there was a Tiffanys on Haussman NOT in a mall so onward we went.  At this point, between you and me, knowing I can't do more than just look has taken quite a bit of the excitement of finding another Tiffanys away from me.  We never did locate so we moved onward and tried to find the Opera, which we did.  An interesting fact about the Opera besides its esquisite beauty is it is built on a water tank because when digging began to build water was discovered and after several tries at pumping to no avail a tank was put in place and the Opera built over so water would not get in the Opera.  Somehow that story brought on the stories of the Phantom although I'm not sure how they relate.

We wondered past the Opera and made our way to Place Vendome.  It is a square with many high end shops with gables all adorned with gold sunbursts, symbol of Louis XIV and off to the right The Ritz.  As you may or may not know, the Ritz is the last place Princess Diana and Dody Fyad were at before their fatal car ride.  We were going to go in and have a glass of wine at the Ritz bar; however we could not get in because someone important was getting ready to leave and paparazzi were all around with guards all over so it was pictures and onward.

We ended up back at Jardin de Tuilleries and once again a beautiful day for a leisurely walk thru the gardens, a stop at a bench to reflect on our day, then back to the RER.

What all this walking brought to my attention was.......all the hub-bub on stylish clothing, perfect coiffure and the right shoes, etc to have before travelling to Paris - HUH!  While many at the Salon tried to get me to keep my short, stylish, flamboyant color hair for France, my decision to go au natural color and longer length had me fitting right in.  Anyone under 65 wears there hair long, straight and what appears to be rather natural coloring.  Most hair color on females is brunette.  The dress of the locals is either skinny black pants or skinny dark wash jeans, always ankle boots without heels and the most fabulous jackets, coats, sweaters and scarves one could hope to see.  The french men dress basically the same as the females, really!  No one wears tennis shoes like Americans but you will see converse by the younger crowd but converse only or low boots.  Men are same or pointy shoes for the artist crowd. 

The tourists wear the high boots, whether high or low heeled and brighter colors for clothes.  Also seen are jeans and nikes or the american athletic shoes.  The hair was all over the place for tourists, long, short, colorful or natural.  Such a difference from what I read everywhere before I left.  The french style you read about was only seen in the higher end neighborhoods by probably wealthier women and men.  Interesting.

I have spent the days here wondering all around admiring all the beauty of the people, the shop windows and just being happy to be in Paris.  Andy has been my champion to assure I did not step in dog poop.  Very interesting thing is there are dogs all over Paris with their owners taking them in shops, etc.  The homeless have dogs to keep them warm and probably for some sympathy as well.  So much art related to the Cat you would think you'd see cats around but noooo just dogs.  We did finally see a cat on the street somewhere and snapped a picture since it will more than likely be the only we see. hmmmmm

Well, we are in for the evening to enjoy chocolates and each others company as we think of a new adventure for tomorrow.  I think we will visit the Marias area which we have only  walked the tip of.  Well, until then.....

a bientot!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Facing brave new worlds


Well, today we ventured forth onto the Metro.  As you know, we mastered the RER, which is the rail system.  The Metro, on the other hand, runs underground as well but is similar to our RTA rapid transit lines.  They look like the trains but stop many more times and there are more options of switching lines.  Much, much more crowded as well.  But we did it!  Much to our chagrin......

We took the metro 4 to Montmarte based on the book client Barbara Byrnes lent me called 24 great walks in Paris.  Based on the book, we would get off at Anvers metro station and walk a bit until we reach Sacre-Coeur.  Well, past sex shops, trans sex shops, gay sex shops and just plain yukky sex shops we found our way to something I can only describe as breathtaking!  More steps - the French LOVE steps!  Once we reached the top and the chapel it was truly breathtaking....literally!  We were breathless....I guess that coissant we had to give us some energy wasn't what we needed.  It wasn't french perfection in my quest for the perfect coissant either.

Once we finished our visit of Sacre-Coeur we meandered down streets and alleys, totally forgetting to follow the book.  I believe I found a cafe Charmayne really wanted us to visit but she couldn't remember the name.  At that point I decided to start reading the book and we tried to find our way and get on track.  Montmarte can only be described as very quaint, where there is a tiny vineyard right along the road in someones backyard (so to speak).  It is truly a starving artists paradise with many hilly winding roads and alleyways to wander down.  It certainly is quaint but so very different than central Paris.  We found a chocolate shoppe (Sycre Matinal Douceur) and did some comparison sampling.  Interesting!  I am a true dark chocolate caramel lover so we got a dark chocolate caramel and split it (yes that is what we have been doing to keep my weight from going totally haywire).  To my surprise the taste was caramel but the texture certainly was not.  I can only describe it as a solid truffle center that tasted caramelly.  We both much prefer our Maison Larnicol Meilleur Ouvrier de France chocolate shoppe near our apartment.  Anyway digressing! We kept wandering the streets and found the apartment Vincent VanGogh spent his starving artist years and ended up at Moulin Rouge.  Moulin Rouge in the daylight is rather seedy looking. I have seen pics at night when its lit up and its quite lively but daytime....not so much!

We found a local Starbucks and wondered in to get a jolt and toilette break.  After some serious thought, we decided our original plans of spending the entire day in Montmarte wasn't such a good idea since we would then have to head back to the Metro thru seedy sex shoppe part of town again so off we went....back to familiar grounds.

Once off the metro we had a late lunch at the Bistro Pont Neuf so I could have a glass of wine and my beloved tomato, walnut, goat cheese on toast salad.  Yummy!  We were once again waited on by a jovial waiter who refered to me as 'babee"....

The weather is once again just perfect so we strolled along the streets without any hurry to our apartment.  We wondered down alleys we had not seen before and eventually found our way back to take a well needed break. 

We lounged for a couple hours then decided to stroll the streets once again.  It is just so beautiful out its just too hard to stay away.  We wondered everywhere, discovering new shoppes we had not seen before.  There is a very french little alley that has huge iron gates at each end that are closed each evening.  Wondering down the alley is so french.  We stopped in LaFare Premiere Pression Provence, which is an herb, vinegar, olive oil and pestos, etc from Provence area.  I sampled probably the most aromatic olive oil I've ever had.  It was light enough to drink, I think, and tasted almost like the olives were grown amongst lavender.  Heavenly.

We ventured off to try and locate something light to eat for dinner.  We opted for 3 frommage pizza of all things.  Anyone who knows me knows I cannot eat pizza so I had a couple pieces of leftover coissants we bought at a local baker in Montmarte and a couple bites of pizza.  We also stopped at our favorite chocolatier and bought some samples of different chocolates than we have had before.  They also had us sample the french macaron, which is soooo not like our macaroons in the states.  The flavored gel or creme is sandwiched between two cookies that seem to be merangue in texture.  Okay but not all that they are touted to be.  Nothing we would buy for sure.  Funny how things sometimes work in your favor!

We are now in for the evening to savor thoughts of our day and start thinking about what adventures tomorrow will bring.

Until then - auvoir!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Exploring vast grounds


Today began as is our new custom....Starbucks.  It has become an old friend to us, even though we have tried different locations.  Today we went to one we visited before simply because we decided we had a long walking travel and didn't want to start by getting lost.

We mapped our our way to Pere LaChaise Cemeterie, home to such famous names as Oscar Wilde, Yves Montand and Simone Signoret, Balzak, Jean de La Fontaine and Jim Morrison.

How beautiful!  I am a cemetery person.  The older the grounds the happier I am.  These are by far the oldest I have yet to visit.  The sites were gigantic monuments, wrought Iron, encased many times in moss.  There were paths and more paths, all made of stone that made exploring both fascinating and confusing at the same time.  Every turn brought another sight so much more beautiful or unique than the next.  We entered at the bottom, so we had to make our way up steep hills to the top entrance to get maps to help us locate the resting grounds we were most interested in.  While strolling the grounds amongst gravestones dating back to 1600's and earlier there were crows flying overhead (one swooped down right across my path, I swear!) and landed very close by to confirm it was indeed a crow.  We came across the first site we wanted to visit, Oscar Wilde, the great poet/playwright.  Opps!  Covered for restoration cleaning.  Just days earlier there were pictures posted of lipstick stains all over his headstone.  So on we was Yves Montand and Simone Signoret, together forever.  Then Balzak, the french novelist and playwright, followed closely by Jean de la Fontaine, 17th century french poet.  Geez!  I know these names and who they were.....I mustof retained something in school so many years ago.....too bad french language didn't stick with me.  Lastly we came across Jim Morrison and "the tree".   The tree has many notes to jim written or carved in.  Then we found our way back out and walked those many steps (don't even want to dwell on how far it was).....past the Bastille, fountains, parks and back to Pont Neuf!

We started out around 10am and it is now after 4PM.  We decided to grab a quick bite at a familiar stand of crepes and paninis and frites and brought back to apartment.  We ate and relaxed for a couple hours before dinner.  As it seems to be....dinner just doesn't seem to be happening again!  We are still not really hungry so we walk around the Siene and do some shopping then stop by our very familiar gelato and waffle shop. 

We are again in for the night and starting to map out a new adventure for tomorrow.  The weather has been so beautiful that I hope we can get a couple more days in before it turns cold and rainy.  We have plans to go to Montmarte and Ille Saint Louis.  A client gave me a book of 24 walking tours and both are in the book.  There are also a couple others that are local enough we can do if weather permits.  I also really wanted to do a Ghost Walk but I'm not sure we will get that in......

well....until tomorrow au revoir!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Paris from above!


It has been another busy day here in lovely Paris.  This morning brought a beautiful day!  I opened the curtains this morning to enjoy the sunshine and low and behold, building scrapers staring me in the face!!!!Goodness!!  Very nice looking but I'm sure I was a sight! 

Anyway, we have found out that to wash clothes in the french washer/dryer combo that is in our apartment is a day long ordeal.  We can place approximately 3 items of clothing in the machine and turn it on.  Two hours later we need to set the dryer to dry for another hour then voila! almost dry clothes :-))))).

So we start the machine then start our day.  Our days have been starting the truly American way.....Starbucks!  The first couple days I visited the cafe across the road and had Cafe Creme but those cost me 5 euro every time.  Starbucks much cheaper and I can have my froo froo drink.  Andy will even have a Chai Tea Latte.  So our days have begun at a different Starbucks each day and we review the map to see what we need to do to get where we need to go.  Today was the Archeological crypts of Notre Dame.  So we started quite low.  It was a wonderfully educational experience.  An entire area was uncovered and preserved below the Notre Dame. 

We then walked around the area.  Yesterday we stumbled over a side alley (there are many) and some very french, authentic local cafes that we wanted to try and find again.  Stubborness takes over again!  After we went the way Andy said we turned around and went the way I remembered and voila!  Again we find what we are looking we go back the apartment to set the dryer again, then go back to the alley ( oh joy, gotta find yet again!) and have dejeuner at the Le Bistro 30.  I want to try the french frog legs while here and one of the cafes had on menu but the wait was silly so we ended up at Le Bistro 30.  I ordered my beloved goat cheese salad, duck breast in orange sauce with frites and profileroles with choc sauce for dessert.  The goat cheese salad was old tasting but the duck was good, although served luke warm.  The dessert, as always was marvelous.  Andy had French Onion soup which he said was perfect temp for eating right away and very tasty.  He had steak and frites which looked very tasty.  His dessert was once again creme brulee.  One of my all time favorites but I don't seem to be ordering it here in France....too many other choices.

The it was off on the RER to Arc de Triumphe again!  This time we made it!!!!  If you have never been, you cannot understand the feit it was to get up all those circular steps!  Everyone starts our energetic and have a pretty good pace, then.........oh boy!!!  Well, we made it!  What a view.  We saw all angles of Paris and even saw Sacre Coeur!  Absolutely breath taking and perfect weather for a seeing a distance.  I wish I could upload my pics so you can all share in the splendor!  

After the Arc we again let stubborness take over as we tried to find Tiffanys again!  Again no luck so we went back on the RER to the apartment.  Along the way we stopped for local chocolates.  Our new mission is to try a chocolate at several chocolate shoppes and decide which are best.  We are still trying to find a GOOD croissant!  Blackbird backery in Rocky River clearly spoiled me!  These have all been manufactured.  I found where the Gordon Ramsey chef is located and hopefully we can find the boulanger.  If not I found what can be a secondary pastry to bring back for Colleen, my fellow cook.

We are now in for the night, having stopped again for dinner.  Tonite's dinner consisted of gelato on waffles (AGAIN).  Big lunch makes it hard to have normal dinner.

Well, off to plan another adventure for tomorrow!  A bientot!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Armitice Day in paris


Well, this morning started off with a walk to the Passettiere (bakery mispelled).  I found a good local place when we arrived and have been coming almost daily since.  Boo Hoo because their croissants are not the best.  To date my mission of finding the perfect true french croissant have been a disappointment.  Thanks to Gordon Ramsey's F word I know they exist but I also know most are making manufactured croissants.  That is truly what I have found so far.  I am so glad I lost weight before coming to Paris because every where you look there are bridges, beautiful old buildings/architecture and food, food and more food!

We ventured off to visit the archeological crypts of Notre Dame and they were CLOSED due to the holiday.  We wondered around then decided to try again to locate Tiffanys.  It has become a very stubborn mission of ours!  We made our way to the Opera area and a very swank street with Chanel jewelry, Arpel & Van Cleef, etc and Tiffanys.  All with door men which intimidated me far too much to walk in.  Andy is sure there is another Tiffany on Champs Ellyssee so I am sure stubborness with result in us trying again tomorrow.  We went to Jardin gardens and to O Chateau wine tasting.  Very educational..  I don't know if I can identify wines in the future but did learn the proper way to determine today!

We had lunch at a rather stuffy place but needed to eat something before the wine tasting.  Jennifer Joy told me about a Pig Cafe that has the best French Onion Soup and low and behold we walked around the corner and there it was!  unfortunately it was very crowded and we didn't feel we could eat and be at the Wine tasting at designated time so we opted for the stuffy place.  French Onion Soup was good but not great.  Andy also got a pot of mussels and frites.  When they say pot, they arent kidding.  A very large pot was brought over with many, many mussels.  Very good!!!!

We just got in for the evening after having some baguette, mozzarella and tomato, finishing off with gelato on what can only be described as a belgium waffle.  Not what they called it but that's what it appeared to be.  Glorious by whatever name!

I am planning my day for tomorrow.  Its the last day we can use our Paris Pass so we need to go back to the placed that have been CLOSED....the Arc, the archeological crypt of Notre Dame and we will be going back to Musee D'orsay because we missed Whistlers Mother and the Chat Noir, both of which I really want to see.

Well, a bientot!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Another day (or days) in my Paris life


Well, we have been busy, busy!  I last left you Monday evening after our day at the Louve.  Tuesday was rather adventuresome.  We started the day on the Hop On Hop Off bus tour.  For those of you unfamiliar with the Hop On Hop Off concept, it is exactly that.  The bus is double decker so you can sit on top and take pictures or be inside bus enjoying the ride.  Since it was rather chilly and rainy we elected to stay inside.  The bus went all over Paris, from the Musee D'Orsay where we picked it up at  to the Opera House, thru Champs Ellysee to Arc to Eiffel to Louve to Notre Dame, where we ended.   We lit candles, enjoyed a portion of mass, signed the guest book and just enjoyed the moment.  We decided not to do the Towers since it was quite drizzly and we were short on time.  We had a mission!  Andy and I ventured onto the RER, one of Paris' many rail systems.  Once we figured out what gate to go thru and that the ticket machine spit your ticket back out for you to use for the day, we were off.......we got to the nearest station to the Eiffel Tower and walked the rest of the way.  We found it!!!! So we went back and got ready to go again for dinner at the Eiffel Tower. 

I must say that my the time we were seated for dinner we were soaked!  The ride up to the restaurant was painless and the view was spectacular, even thru the rain clouds.  Thanks to Mike and Michele, my trusty arrangers of the dinner, we had very prime location seating front and center at a window.

The food was wonderful and as we made our way back to the tram after dinner the poor waiter came chasing after us!  "Oh madam, you forgot something" he said as he placed his hand over his mouth in embarrassment.  Apparently, even though we had paid our dinner well in advance we did not receive a voucher so management had to look up our payment, so back to the dining area we go until it was cleared up. 

Wednesday we took the RER (now that we are pros) to Versailles and spent the day viewing the splendor and oppulence that it brings.  Many, many pics were taken and hopefully some day I can get them off the camera onto the computer. After Versailles we sent to the Pantheon and wondered around St Michel area. 

We took a short break at the apartment to catch a second wind.  The weather was so wonderful we decided to just walk along the Seine.  We walked for quite some time and went across a beautiful bridge.  We found an area over near Pont Neuf that was  hopping so we went to dinner at Cafe Pont Neuf.  I had a wonderful salad of walnuts, goat cheese on toast with tomatoes and greens.  Fabulous!  Dessert was a wonderful gateau Chocolat.  Andy had steak and frites with creme brulee for dessert.......anyone who knows us knows that the desserts were backwards for our typical choices.  Wonderful service with one of the waiters being a comic, albeit in french.  Still good for a laugh!

Today (Thursday) started us out on the Parisian Bateaux with a follow up to lunch at Laserre.  Laserre was by far the most wonderful (and expensive) lunch either of us have ever had.  This was so upscale I was afraid to take out my camera and capture the moment. I just sat back and enjoyed.  The lunch started with an elevator ride up in the smallest elevator I ever was in.  We entered a room that was magnificent where the rooftop opened periodically to the open air and a topiary (I did get the nerve to hide my camera and snap a quick pic).  I had fois gras, leg of lamb served with legumes, figs and some other things with a dessert that was puff pastry filled with caramel with caramel flavored something or other and all was shaped like a kings crown. Andy had lobster bisque, leg of lamb and dessert of choc something or other.  I had the most expensive (yet esquisite) glass of wine (25E) that I will ever have.  Only in France!!!!!  After all that, we were give a plate of madelines and a silver tray of chocolates to enjoy along with our cafe creme and tea.  All in all, the most expensive and worth every penny!

 We then decided to go to the Arc and venture down Champs Ellyssee a bit.  Andy saw a Tiffanys out the Hop Off Hop On window and we really wanted to go there.  We get to Arc and low and behold CLOSED!!!! July 11th is a big big day in France and there are ceremonies galore.  The Arc was closed for about 2 hours or so and will be again tomorrow morning.  So we started down the Champs to find Tiffanys.  On and On we Tiffanys.  We ended up walking almost to the very end, which is quite far.  We decided to just keep walking and go to the Musee D'Orsay since its open late Thursday evenings.  Another wonderful museum containing impressionism art and some of the most wonderful Art Nouvoeau furniture, etc.  Exhausting yet worth every minute!  We took the RER back to our stop and walked to a sandwich shop, got something to bring home and here we are......comatose!  We are already planning another adventure for tomorrow!

Until then, a bientot!

Monday, November 7, 2011

A day in Paris


We have arrived and are happily situated in our Paris apartment.  We are located in the St Germain arts area, directly with the locals.  I would say we are blending in but we are true Americans....totally not looking local.

Today we visited the Louve....would love to attach pics but all the Internet/computer info is in French and we cannot figure out how to upload the pictures to the computer.  If we ever do, I will be posting many sights and Louve pics.  Yes, We did see the Mona Lisa.  We roamed Napoleon's Apartments and I may have gotten a pic or two of architecture along the way.  We ate dinner at a local Cafe and sat next to a couple currently residing in the Bahamas, previously from Louisville KY, Cincinnati and St Thomas. 

Tomorrow brings us the Hop On/Hop off where we will get a better idea of the lay of the land so we can visit Notre Dame, Monparsee and the cemetery where Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde are resting.  We have so much to do!!!!!  Dinner at Eiffel Tower Tuesday evening.

A bientot!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

and awaaaaay we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!! we are on our way in about an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you to all my faithful follower(s) for bearing with my inane babbling over the last 202 days.  Hopefully I will figure out how to upload pics while in France. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Holy crapola! Only 8 more days.......:-) :-) :-)


Well, as is my typical fashion, French will not be rolling off my tongue while in France.  I am really disappointed that my brain just isn't the sponge it used to be but it is what it is. 

I have our voucher for the Paris Pass so now all I have to do is map out how to get to the pickup location once we are at our Apartment.  Well, won't that be an adventure in itself :-)

I had dinner with Jennifer the other night and went thru 300 + pics she took while they were in France last month.  I will hopefully be able to visualize many of the cafes she recommended.  I know where to find the 'perfect' location for a pic with the Eiffel Tower in the background.  I can go on and on....but need to move on as I have much to do!

I suspect this may be my last entry until I get to Paris.  I have so much to do.  I still haven't decided what to take in the way of clothes, shoes, boots, etc.  I need to gather all our necessary papers and make sure all is in order.

A bientot!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Final Countdown has begun.....

So, my loyal followers :-)

Only 20 more anxiety ridden days before we board Continental for our trip that took 26 years to take.  My anxiety stems from more than one thing -

  • will we be able to interpret our landlords directions to the apartment,
  • will I make the right clothing/shoes/boots choices to take with me; and
  • is our luggage big enought (yet light enough).

Yes, I have been 'trying out' outfit combinations of lightweight and wrinkle resistent fabrics for the last few days to see what will and will not work.  I have developed a kinship with leggings and boxy tops (I feel like I'm back in the 80's), ankle boots and loafers. 

As I carry on......we have decided to get a Paris Pass, which is good for entrance into 64 attractions (for lack of a better word), the Hop On Hop Off, Metro and discounts on several restaurants and shops.  I also stumbled over a Ghost Tour that I would love to take as it sounds fascinating.  You never know what we may get into.  There are also catacombs under Notre Dame that we can get to with the Paris Pass. 

Well, I am going to say a bientot to you all as I continue treasure hunting for things to do in Paris.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

whoo hoo! 29 glorious days left

I cannot believe I am finally at my month countdown!!!!!  I met with my friend Jennifer yesterday.  Jennifer and her husband just got back from France.  They spent about 5 days in Paris and I think a week in the south of France.  Jennifer just glows when she talks about Paris.  She was pretty adamant that we should just explore Paris and not try to do much outside of the city.

I will be talking with my travel agent this coming week to set up a Hop On Hop Off ticket, metro passes, museum/amusement passes, etc.  Seems to be the way to go.  While I intend to spend the majority of time in Paris, I'm also planning on a 1 to 2 day trip to normandy to Saint Michele.  I need all the blessings I can get!  My family is from Alsace so I also want to spend a day there.  I promised Leslie I'd get a pic of the Welcome to Alsace sign.

A bientot!

Friday, September 23, 2011

44 more to go ......

Well, my Paris calendar indicates the Autumnal Equinox is upon is the shrinking of the days until takeoff!

I had a call from Jennifer, who just got back from France.  She love, love, loved it!  We are getting together in the coming week so further info forthcoming.

I also received some info from Mike, the CS client whose company is based in Paris.  He spends quite a bit of time there and was gracious enough to offer to help us out before arriving.  He connected me up with Michelle, who lives in Paris and is recommending quite a few places to eat. Its all about food, isn't it!

Anyway, we have the Eiffle Tower reserved as well as dinner cruise on the Seine.......thinks are moving along!!!

Well, if only my french lessons were going as well....or even going :-(

a bientot!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

47 impatient days to go......


Oui!  Anyone who knows me knows that while I may seem untouched on the outside (?) I am pacing back and forth on the inside.   Its taking far too long to get to November 5th. 

My last update had me seriously considering french lessons again but, alas, I just can't seem to find the time.  I've got back into my workout routine which takes a lot of my time.  Not to mention my new found love of Dexter.  I am not a 'sit in front of the tv' kind of gal but Dexter is rivoting.  It seems to take my mind off France, atleast for the moments I'm mesmerized with Dexter Morgan and his total lack of any emotions. 

My friend, Jennifer should be back from France about now and I'm waiting to hear how her visit was. I will be taking many notes on what to do, see, watch out for, etc.

Well....a bientot!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A loooong 72 more

To my faithful follower(s):

It has been a long time since my last blog.  This is becoming a habit!  Well, once I hit French soil the digital camera will start rolling and hopefully I will be a bit more forthcoming with updates.

The other day my friend Jennifer Joy and I met to compare notes over a cup of Starbucks!  Jennifer and her husband are going to France on the 3rd of September.  They are spending a week in Paris and a week in Provence.  I envy them for their timing...Jennifer is just as impatient as I am since they originally had scheduled early April to go.  At the last minute plans changed and new dates were scheduled. 

She has me convinced that the hi speed train may be a good option for Andy and I to get further down into wine country.  I'm not sure Provence will happen (although it would be fabulous!!!).  I just know how I am and know I will certainly run out of time to do all I want to do.

Wouldn't you know.....we both have tons of information on restaurants and the best places to order the best things, like French onion soup, crepes, etc, etc.  Of course, the best breads have stuck in my head the locations etc.

I will leave you all with a view of what Jennifer hopes they will still be able to see in abundance once they get to Provence......
  ahhhh!  I am so happy for her to experience this and look forward to her updates...

A bientot! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

OMG!!!! Finally under 100 days

92 days........with this view closing in on me....

Need I say more!

A bientot! :-)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

101 days of waiting.......

Hasn't been so long since my last update.  I just read something that has done wonders at easing my mind.  There is so much I want to see and do in France that I think I may be overwhelmed and antsy with anticipation so I'm really not doing much of anything......these are very wise words.

One cannot organize an adventure any more than one can rehearse spontaneity...Trevanian

A bientot!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

105 more days of impatience


I've been reflecting back on when this all started.  Well, actually my quest to go to France began 26 + years ago but the blog countdown began 202 days ago. The impatience has begun......

a dear client from CS has given me a mission of locating and reserving a table at a restaurant that she wants Andy and I to eat at called LaSerre.  From all indications it appears to be a very fine restaurant indeed. Andy will need to pack one of his suit jackets to get in the door ay LaSerre.  Luckily, they have a website that has the menu and it has english translation.  I will need to make sure I remember it well so I do not order anything that I would soon not eat....  I intend to enjoy every mouthful of every meal for 14 days!

I have finally begun some constructive language learning.  Poor Talia tried so hard to help me master something french and I'm afraid the best I did were greetings.  I am working on flashcards because I will need all 100+ days to gain at least a smidgen of understanding.  If we are to go into wine country we will need to speak some sort of French because the further in we get, the less likely we are to find english speaking folks.

Well, enough reflecting for today's blog. A bientot!

Sunday, July 3, 2011



It has been some time since I have last visited France (in my mind!).  At the encouragement of my fan (thank you dad) I am again updating whoever may be keeping up with my journey......

Well, the Andy passport saga has finally come to an end!  Passport is in hand! Yipee!  Now we both have tickets and passport and are patiently (?) waiting for the day to arrive.   Twenty six years of waiting is coming close to fruition!!!!

I must admit France has not been first and foremost on my mind as of late.  With the warm weather I have been going from work to working in the gardens to walking with my friend Katy.  I have temporarily discontinued french lessons with Talia.  My days have been far too busy for me to study.  Today was filled with family time as we spend a few hours at my dad's for his annual BBQ/Clay birthday combo.

I did do my aunt duty and teach Leo that an Owl went "Hootie Hoot!" and bubbles blown with gum can be fun and nothing scary.  Apparently he had a past fear of bubbles.

Well, a bientot!


Monday, June 13, 2011

146 days

Well, I had a fabulous french meal yesterday, compliments of my mom!  She was very creative and worked very hard (I suspect) to create the perfect accompanyment to my french lesson with Talia.  The menu is below (wish I took pics).  An actual menu was on each of our plates.

Le Petit Dejeuner
Crepes w/ la sauce d'orange
croissant au beurre
quiche lorraine
salade de fruits
le us d'orange

What a wonderful surprise and it all tasted fabu!  Of course  both Talia and I were late so we had to skip the french lesson (heehee) but oh the food!

Merci Mom

a bientot!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

150 days left - whoo hoo

Well, my faithful followers....Andy has finally submitted his passport application and it is on its way to the State.  Will wonders never cease!

There has been nothing going on.  The weather has been relatively good for gardening, even though its been a bit hot (did I just say that?).  I never thought I would say anything negative about the weather again as long as the rains stopped......the joys of Mother Nature!

This Sunday morning will be yet another French lesson.  I have been faithfully meeting dear Talia every week and still cannot get past lesson (2).  Maybe this week :-) mom is having us over for brunch and I do believe she will be creating all French.....

Well, a bientot!

Monday, May 30, 2011

161 glorious days!


Finally!!!!  Sunshine....we have spent the last couple days in our gardens.  I have finally finished planting all my veggies.  Well, planting is sorta right...I gave up with the flooded grounds and planted everything in pots. :-)

French cooking again!  My first taste of bread in 20 days and I did it the french riviera way.  Apparently the Pan Bagnat (wet sandwich) is a tuna sandwich that is sold along the French Riviera and quite least that is what I have read.  I made it for lunch yesterday and it was quite good.  Anyone who knows me, knows my fave part of the entire sandwich was the crustly french bread. yummmmm

Andy is finally getting into the swing of things with the countdown...sorta.  He set the  computer to record the days until France.  Either he messed up or I did because the computer says there are 158 days, 4 hours 1 min and 28 seconds until we leave.....hmmmmm I counted 161.  I guess I have to count back again. 

No passport yet...I am curious if there will be drama when he goes to the postoffice again.....

well, a bientot!

Monday, May 23, 2011

167 more rainy (?) days


Yes....another rainy day in Cleveland.  I cannot believe Memorial Day is just a handful of days away and I still have not finished planting all the veggies in my gardens.  My thoughts are getting gloomy and the french studying is taxing my brain.  I need a reprieve....

oh joy!  reprieve is here.  My dear Louise sent off all her Normandy information from when she was in France a few years ago.  Now I have things to study outside of words, phrases and numbers. While uber historical, there are areas of the Normandy region that are beautiful.  I can't say much more until I really dive into the information on the area but it is definitely worth a visit!

Well, no more updates on the saga of Passport Andrew.  With the Indians in town and attendance actually worth mentioning, he has been quite busy. 

Au bientot!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A long 170 days


I really thought when I started 'the countdown' I would be out here every day.....well.....rain has made things rather dreary, but now the rubber duckies in my garden have hit a patch of dry land so now the anticipation of sunnier, warmer days has invigorated me!

Good news is Andy has received his new 'original' birth certificate in the mail.  Unfortunately, the timing is not the most desireable.  With the Indians back in town tonight it will be 6 or more days before he can once again attempt the Westlake Post Office and passport submission.  One can only hope that when that day comes it will be his last visit.

I have not much more to report.  As is my norm I have not cracked my French lesson booklet or CD since my lesson last week.  I pray Talia has maintained her patience and will not frown too much.  Its much too nice outside to see a frown on anyone's face.

I will close with a picture of the Eiffel Tower I stumbled over.  It is an overhead view that intrigues me (as does much of France).  I hope you enjoy as much as I do.  Until next time......auvoir!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

176 days

Bonjour!  It has been a couple days (computer down)  but thoughts of France have never left me.  I had my weekly french language lesson yesterday  with Talia.  I think she's going to fire me (if that's possible).  I am not getting very far in mastering the language.  I have once again reverted to my Spanish while learning the numbers.  Talia has the patience of a saint!  Any of you that have small children....teach them a 2nd language NOW, while they are still very young.  As time goes on, our brains just find it harder to adapt to the nuances of another language.

Well, the continuing saga of Andy and his passport......I don't know if I reported that Andy went down to the post office again and, after waiting endlessly for the postperson who processes passports (she was very late to open) he went thru all the riga-ma-roll only to find out his birth certificate is so old and beat up that the embossment is not raised enough anymore and the State will more than likely refuse it.  So Andy has to buy an "original", embossed copy (?) of his birth certificate and go back to the post office for the 3rd time!  This could be a story in itself....

This is very similar to a pic of the Eiffel Tower I have hanging above my stairwell. As you come down the stairs it appears you are walking under the Eiffel Tower.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

179 loooooong days

It has been a couple days since I've visited my thoughts and 'the countdown'.  The weather has been beautiful so I've taken the opportunity to work in my garden.  As is my typical american/french thought process, not only do I have veggies galore, I also have my herbs including....yes you got it.....French Tarragon and French Lavender.

 No, this isn't a picture of my garden :-)

I've also been taking the time again to take care of me so I can comfortably eat my way thru France while wearing the most fashionable ensembles......

well, have to get some french lesson studying in before my next lesson,,...Quad le jour viendra!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bonne Fete des meres (Happy Mothers Day)

Sooooo, with 182 days to go I was going to tackle the perfect French dinner for Mothers Day; however, its Mothers day and I'm the mother so I left Andy in charge of dinner plans.  I assumed he would include katie and Clay however, only Izzy has been involved.

dinner on my menu was:

1st course:  Guwgeres (cheese puffs)
Soup: Lobster Bisque
Salad: Honeyed Fruit Salad
Bread:  In France every table must have a selection of bread - its a matter of good hospitality so...
Cinnamon Orage Popovers, honey muffins, Simple Brioche loaf
Entree:  Roasted Lemon Rosemary Chicken
Coffee & Tea: Cinnamon tea
Dessert: Chocolate Tore with Blueberry Wine

Andy's menu:

Sauteed Scallops
Ciabata bread

Yummy but something is not so French with it......heehee....and of course clay is coaching the travelling baseball team and Katie is spending time with her fried for their weekly Desperate Housewives night.....ahhh.......motherhood!

I did have my French lesson for the week after a miscommunication Friday.  My Mom was gracious to make Quiche Lorraine, tomatoes, Croissants and I contributed cut up berries.  My french influence of the day....

until next time...........

Friday, May 6, 2011

184 days to go.....


I stumbled over some interesting modes of transportation during my investigation into what to do when we're in Paris.  While the metro is probably the safest and most practical mode of transport, here are some fun ways to get around....

Funway #1  Touring Paris in a Citoen 2CV
Described as a quirky little tin snail of a french car, with voluptuous curves and cheerful cheeky eyes.

Funway #2 Tandem Cycling
While this will certainly provide exercise and excitement I think it will be a bit too cold in November.

FunWay #3  Cyclobulle

Electronically powered along with a pedal function

Whatever mode we choose, I'm sure it will be good for a giggle or two.

Until next time......auvoir


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

186 days to go.......


My Berlitz 5-Minute Travel French lesson book/CD has arrived.  I'm not sure what that means since I'm on week 2 of Berlitz 5-minute French lessons.  This is just adding more to the pot..  I shouldn't complain as this should just help me more. 

I received much info from people on how to pack for November weather in France. Merci beaucoup! 

Short and sweet today.  I worked a long shift.  I am now reviewing my daily french food Email for a Mothers' Day menu that is French inspired.

A bientot!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

187 days to Shop ... for a wardrobe suited for Paris life!  Now we're talkin'.  I've been spending some quality time reading everything I can on how to do Paris on the 'cheap' but right.....

of all the things that stuck in my head.....stepping up the wardrobe was it.  While one can wear jeans walking around Paris during the day, the jeans should be a step up from casual. Since we'll be there in November I have an array of les bottes fashionable worthy of trekking many miles; however I will innocently 'forget' le foulard and chapeau.  They are abundant in Paris and the surrounding areas and quite lovely.

A demain -

Monday, May 2, 2011

188 days

Well, this homework stuff is for the birds (oops! did I just say that?)  My only salvation is I will be putting what I learn to good use.  I really don't have much to say today....the french wine tasting Saturday has done me in with regards to wine for a few days.  I did have french bread and caprese salad for dinner tonight.  As mentioned on a previous blog, we are planning on spending a couple days in Rome so Caprese Salad is hitting on the Italian side of things. 

I posted this pic previously but am in awe that this scene is on a street in Paris.  I cannot wait to be a part of all the history, romance, culture, wine and food, the french countryside, etc.

Andy still hasn't submitted his passport application.  His postoffice experience must have totally traumatized him.  Well, he better get crackin or I will be going at it alone :-)

Well, until tomorrow

Sunday, May 1, 2011

189 days to go - oops

Now that I'm home and near my trusty Paris calendar, I see I have 189 days to go today....yipee!  Anyway, today was French lesson number 2 with Talia.  Our regular meeting place is Applebee's Bedford.  My mom joined us today and we had our now customary French Onion Soup and some delightful conversation.

Once our bellies were satisfied, our lessons began....With duo headsets on we began our Berlitz 5-minute French journey.  I'm not sure how they came up with the name because 45 minutes later I felt the dawn of light finally hit me.  Talia has been telling me all along that its more important to just begin talking french and get involved in the conversation and it will fall into place.  Too lengthy to explain, but she was right!  My 'homework' this week is to get through Unit 1 and review Unit 2 for our next meeting.

What wonderful insight do I have to share with you today , you ask.....

Bonjour. Je m'appelle Deb.  Je suis les Etats-Unis.

Au revoir.....A bientot...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The journey begins ..... (deb

Bon Jour!

Today is the beginning of my no-facebook journey to Paris!  Andy and I(deb)  have been trying to get to Paris for 26 years and this is the year!  Tickets in hand; my passport is in hand;Andy has been trying to get his.  As most of you know, Westlake post office does not accept new passport applications on Saturdays without an appointment  so Andy still hasn't submitted his application. Maybe after this homestand...

My journey begin on Facebook at day 202, the day I received our airline tickets and has continued on a gastronomical adventure since.

With 189 days to go, Charmayne and I are in the process of French wine taste testing to assure I know what french wines are acceptable to my palette......tonight we have sampled french wines, french bread along with Caprese Salad.  Since we may be visiting Rome for a couple days, this just seems to fit in.  Of course, we had egg rolls and sticky rice, which doesn't really fit any locale I am going to visit but, cay  la vi