Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A relaxing day


I'm sure by now you are all thinking I am unable to spell.  French, maybe but could just be laziness as well.  I see things are not necessarily spelled correctly but I am too lazy to go back and fix so there ya go!

Today was Andy's day.  To date I have been doing most of the adventure seeking and kinda 'telling" him its what he wants to do and of course since I'm a Princess he agrees.  I have seen how tired he has been so today I offered up a couple options but made it his day.

So off we Ille Saint Louis which is a small island behind Notre Dame area.  It is one of the oldest parts of Paris but so peaceful.  It is a very chilly day so we are bundled up and strolling the streets of Ille St Louis to locate the long line to Berthillon IceCream, very well known to anyone searching out Paris information as being the best Ice Cream found.  I assumed it to be quite a bit of hype but probably good none the same.  Being it was just before noon and very chilly there was literally no line, which is unheard of so in we go.  There are a few choices of ice cream flavors as well as some brownies and other pastries.  As I'm rattling off the yumminess of the things a fellow customer turned to me and said....Berthillon is well known for their exceptional ice cream. I said I knew but the other items looked good as well.  Her reply was a quiet voice to me that next door had all kinds of things to eat at your leisure and Berthillon was for the ice cream.  Well, wasn't I given the hint.  So over we go to decide what flavors we wanted.  As the woman left she gave me a secret smile and told me to have a good day and enjoy my ice cream. 

I elected vanilla and Andy elected banana.  The vanilla was a brownish color and the scoop was miniscule by my standards but ooooohhhhhhh!!!  heavenly!!!!  It was like the vanilla beans were grounded down to cream and frozen - that is how fabulous the ice cream flavor was.  Andy pretty much had a similar description of the banana. 

As we wondered the streets we came across a resident home that had drain pipes that had fish mold as part of the drain and many gilded additions.  I would love to add pic to this blog but as you know that is not something we have been able to translate to date.

Next we come across a biscuit shoppe and as soon as we walked in the madam offered us a sample.  Oh my goodness - such decadence so we grab a bag and plastic glove and off we are...electing flavors to purchase to try.  Will this madness never end????  How will I ever go back to normal eating?  Is it the Paris spell on me? One may never really know.

We made our way back to the apartment to press the dryer button again to try to dry our 3 items (only in france).  Andy decided he wanted to do some gift shopping so off we go.  As I said it is quite chilly today.  What that translates into is that many of the open air shops are not open or if so, have limited items out.  Every day we walk by shop after shop of touristy items but so many.  Actually very few so after a couple hours of being lost (how lost are we really - after all we are in Paris!) we bought some frommage and a demi bagette and had our lunch.  We relax a bit, fall asleep actually!  It is now time for Andy to decide what to do this evening.  We end up at a local shop where these elderly madams make all the food that is comfort food and you buy by weight.  We get roasted poullet, creamed spinich, roasted potatoes and gateau de riz (Oh my god!  rice pudding!!! could it be?!)

We have just finished eating our "home cooked meal" and I am already dreaming of dessert of gateau de riz!  This is also the evening of the Beaujolais Nouveau release!  What I have been waiting for!  I will try to stay awake till midnight but I just don't know if my body will participate in that same mission.  We will see....if not I will be visiting Nicholas to purchase my bottle first thing in the morning!  I am so excited to taste my beloved beaujolais as young as it can be!

Until then.......sweet dreams!

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