Friday, November 11, 2011

Armitice Day in paris


Well, this morning started off with a walk to the Passettiere (bakery mispelled).  I found a good local place when we arrived and have been coming almost daily since.  Boo Hoo because their croissants are not the best.  To date my mission of finding the perfect true french croissant have been a disappointment.  Thanks to Gordon Ramsey's F word I know they exist but I also know most are making manufactured croissants.  That is truly what I have found so far.  I am so glad I lost weight before coming to Paris because every where you look there are bridges, beautiful old buildings/architecture and food, food and more food!

We ventured off to visit the archeological crypts of Notre Dame and they were CLOSED due to the holiday.  We wondered around then decided to try again to locate Tiffanys.  It has become a very stubborn mission of ours!  We made our way to the Opera area and a very swank street with Chanel jewelry, Arpel & Van Cleef, etc and Tiffanys.  All with door men which intimidated me far too much to walk in.  Andy is sure there is another Tiffany on Champs Ellyssee so I am sure stubborness with result in us trying again tomorrow.  We went to Jardin gardens and to O Chateau wine tasting.  Very educational..  I don't know if I can identify wines in the future but did learn the proper way to determine today!

We had lunch at a rather stuffy place but needed to eat something before the wine tasting.  Jennifer Joy told me about a Pig Cafe that has the best French Onion Soup and low and behold we walked around the corner and there it was!  unfortunately it was very crowded and we didn't feel we could eat and be at the Wine tasting at designated time so we opted for the stuffy place.  French Onion Soup was good but not great.  Andy also got a pot of mussels and frites.  When they say pot, they arent kidding.  A very large pot was brought over with many, many mussels.  Very good!!!!

We just got in for the evening after having some baguette, mozzarella and tomato, finishing off with gelato on what can only be described as a belgium waffle.  Not what they called it but that's what it appeared to be.  Glorious by whatever name!

I am planning my day for tomorrow.  Its the last day we can use our Paris Pass so we need to go back to the placed that have been CLOSED....the Arc, the archeological crypt of Notre Dame and we will be going back to Musee D'orsay because we missed Whistlers Mother and the Chat Noir, both of which I really want to see.

Well, a bientot!

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