Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beaujolais Day


Well, today is the long awaited uncorking of the 2011 Beaujolais Nouveau.   While we did not participate in the running thru the streets in Burgundy area we did participate in the drinking of the wine.  Andy had a sip but I dove right in.

As to our adventures of today.....we decided to revisit the galleries area to get a bit more of the Opera area in before we left.  After losing the Starbucks shop, then finding one again we made our way back (believe me we walked and walked) to the Printemps and Galleries Lafayette shops.  The windows of Printemps, as I mentioned yesterday, are fascinating.  The puppets are quite animated and mesmerize little children.

We spent quite some time just roaming the stores in the galleries just to window lick (as they say in France) until we really needed to get something to eat.  As we were leaving we found yet another Tiffanys.  This time I looked with intent.  I decided against even thinking about buying anything because everything referred to Tiffanys NEW YORK!  Well, I wanted Tiffanys Paris.  Apparently there isn't really one.  Oh well!  So much for my Tiffany item.

We strolled the Rues of Paris for quite some time and came across, yet again, the Au Pied de Cocbon (the pig bistro).  Jennifer Joy told me this was the place that had the absolute best French Onion Soup so we decided to give it  a try.  We get in and have to wait because it is there changeover time, I guess.  No one really spoke much English so I picked at words I knew and figured it out from there.  They are taking the Beaujolais day very seriously.  They have all kinds of purple ballons in the shape of grape clusters encircling the entrance.  The matre de shoves glasses of beaujolais in our hands while we wait for a table.  When we finally get a table, we order our French Onion Soup......they came quite some time later because the french take their time.  Andy's looked amazing. Mine did as well but a bit more well done. Normally, a little crunch to my cheese is heavenly but I could not get my spoon thru the cheese.  I tapped away and started giggling as well as the lady next to me.  I got the attention of someone, showed him what I was doing and he took my soup away.  A few minutes later I get a perfect crock of soup. These crocks were huge and the soup was absolutely the best tasted in all of Paris.  There was so much cheese and bread in this soup that the base was almost creamy.

This was all we needed to eat and walked out stuffed.  Luckily we were still quite a distance from the apartment.  We walked and walked and decided to hit the shops of Ille de Cite area one more time for some last minute gifts.  Then it was off to the apartment.

While we are not in for the night, this will probably be my last blog until back in the States.  We will be strolling the Seine one last time tonight then staying in.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring but we will end up at the Hyatt Regency at CDG airport area.  We need to be at the airport quite early Saturday morning so we decided it would be best the spend the night as close as we can get.

So to all my faithful followers, aurvoir!  Until the States!

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