Monday, May 23, 2011

167 more rainy (?) days


Yes....another rainy day in Cleveland.  I cannot believe Memorial Day is just a handful of days away and I still have not finished planting all the veggies in my gardens.  My thoughts are getting gloomy and the french studying is taxing my brain.  I need a reprieve....

oh joy!  reprieve is here.  My dear Louise sent off all her Normandy information from when she was in France a few years ago.  Now I have things to study outside of words, phrases and numbers. While uber historical, there are areas of the Normandy region that are beautiful.  I can't say much more until I really dive into the information on the area but it is definitely worth a visit!

Well, no more updates on the saga of Passport Andrew.  With the Indians in town and attendance actually worth mentioning, he has been quite busy. 

Au bientot!

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