Sunday, May 1, 2011

189 days to go - oops

Now that I'm home and near my trusty Paris calendar, I see I have 189 days to go today....yipee!  Anyway, today was French lesson number 2 with Talia.  Our regular meeting place is Applebee's Bedford.  My mom joined us today and we had our now customary French Onion Soup and some delightful conversation.

Once our bellies were satisfied, our lessons began....With duo headsets on we began our Berlitz 5-minute French journey.  I'm not sure how they came up with the name because 45 minutes later I felt the dawn of light finally hit me.  Talia has been telling me all along that its more important to just begin talking french and get involved in the conversation and it will fall into place.  Too lengthy to explain, but she was right!  My 'homework' this week is to get through Unit 1 and review Unit 2 for our next meeting.

What wonderful insight do I have to share with you today , you ask.....

Bonjour. Je m'appelle Deb.  Je suis les Etats-Unis.

Au revoir.....A bientot...

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