Monday, May 2, 2011

188 days

Well, this homework stuff is for the birds (oops! did I just say that?)  My only salvation is I will be putting what I learn to good use.  I really don't have much to say today....the french wine tasting Saturday has done me in with regards to wine for a few days.  I did have french bread and caprese salad for dinner tonight.  As mentioned on a previous blog, we are planning on spending a couple days in Rome so Caprese Salad is hitting on the Italian side of things. 

I posted this pic previously but am in awe that this scene is on a street in Paris.  I cannot wait to be a part of all the history, romance, culture, wine and food, the french countryside, etc.

Andy still hasn't submitted his passport application.  His postoffice experience must have totally traumatized him.  Well, he better get crackin or I will be going at it alone :-)

Well, until tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour mon ami- now that you are all set up with your official Blog......grand congrats....... I may need to contribute un peau France vocabulary/lesson every now and then, O.K? Avoir mon ami Deb
