Monday, May 30, 2011

161 glorious days!


Finally!!!!  Sunshine....we have spent the last couple days in our gardens.  I have finally finished planting all my veggies.  Well, planting is sorta right...I gave up with the flooded grounds and planted everything in pots. :-)

French cooking again!  My first taste of bread in 20 days and I did it the french riviera way.  Apparently the Pan Bagnat (wet sandwich) is a tuna sandwich that is sold along the French Riviera and quite least that is what I have read.  I made it for lunch yesterday and it was quite good.  Anyone who knows me, knows my fave part of the entire sandwich was the crustly french bread. yummmmm

Andy is finally getting into the swing of things with the countdown...sorta.  He set the  computer to record the days until France.  Either he messed up or I did because the computer says there are 158 days, 4 hours 1 min and 28 seconds until we leave.....hmmmmm I counted 161.  I guess I have to count back again. 

No passport yet...I am curious if there will be drama when he goes to the postoffice again.....

well, a bientot!

Monday, May 23, 2011

167 more rainy (?) days


Yes....another rainy day in Cleveland.  I cannot believe Memorial Day is just a handful of days away and I still have not finished planting all the veggies in my gardens.  My thoughts are getting gloomy and the french studying is taxing my brain.  I need a reprieve....

oh joy!  reprieve is here.  My dear Louise sent off all her Normandy information from when she was in France a few years ago.  Now I have things to study outside of words, phrases and numbers. While uber historical, there are areas of the Normandy region that are beautiful.  I can't say much more until I really dive into the information on the area but it is definitely worth a visit!

Well, no more updates on the saga of Passport Andrew.  With the Indians in town and attendance actually worth mentioning, he has been quite busy. 

Au bientot!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A long 170 days


I really thought when I started 'the countdown' I would be out here every day.....well.....rain has made things rather dreary, but now the rubber duckies in my garden have hit a patch of dry land so now the anticipation of sunnier, warmer days has invigorated me!

Good news is Andy has received his new 'original' birth certificate in the mail.  Unfortunately, the timing is not the most desireable.  With the Indians back in town tonight it will be 6 or more days before he can once again attempt the Westlake Post Office and passport submission.  One can only hope that when that day comes it will be his last visit.

I have not much more to report.  As is my norm I have not cracked my French lesson booklet or CD since my lesson last week.  I pray Talia has maintained her patience and will not frown too much.  Its much too nice outside to see a frown on anyone's face.

I will close with a picture of the Eiffel Tower I stumbled over.  It is an overhead view that intrigues me (as does much of France).  I hope you enjoy as much as I do.  Until next time......auvoir!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

176 days

Bonjour!  It has been a couple days (computer down)  but thoughts of France have never left me.  I had my weekly french language lesson yesterday  with Talia.  I think she's going to fire me (if that's possible).  I am not getting very far in mastering the language.  I have once again reverted to my Spanish while learning the numbers.  Talia has the patience of a saint!  Any of you that have small children....teach them a 2nd language NOW, while they are still very young.  As time goes on, our brains just find it harder to adapt to the nuances of another language.

Well, the continuing saga of Andy and his passport......I don't know if I reported that Andy went down to the post office again and, after waiting endlessly for the postperson who processes passports (she was very late to open) he went thru all the riga-ma-roll only to find out his birth certificate is so old and beat up that the embossment is not raised enough anymore and the State will more than likely refuse it.  So Andy has to buy an "original", embossed copy (?) of his birth certificate and go back to the post office for the 3rd time!  This could be a story in itself....

This is very similar to a pic of the Eiffel Tower I have hanging above my stairwell. As you come down the stairs it appears you are walking under the Eiffel Tower.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

179 loooooong days

It has been a couple days since I've visited my thoughts and 'the countdown'.  The weather has been beautiful so I've taken the opportunity to work in my garden.  As is my typical american/french thought process, not only do I have veggies galore, I also have my herbs including....yes you got it.....French Tarragon and French Lavender.

 No, this isn't a picture of my garden :-)

I've also been taking the time again to take care of me so I can comfortably eat my way thru France while wearing the most fashionable ensembles......

well, have to get some french lesson studying in before my next lesson,,...Quad le jour viendra!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bonne Fete des meres (Happy Mothers Day)

Sooooo, with 182 days to go I was going to tackle the perfect French dinner for Mothers Day; however, its Mothers day and I'm the mother so I left Andy in charge of dinner plans.  I assumed he would include katie and Clay however, only Izzy has been involved.

dinner on my menu was:

1st course:  Guwgeres (cheese puffs)
Soup: Lobster Bisque
Salad: Honeyed Fruit Salad
Bread:  In France every table must have a selection of bread - its a matter of good hospitality so...
Cinnamon Orage Popovers, honey muffins, Simple Brioche loaf
Entree:  Roasted Lemon Rosemary Chicken
Coffee & Tea: Cinnamon tea
Dessert: Chocolate Tore with Blueberry Wine

Andy's menu:

Sauteed Scallops
Ciabata bread

Yummy but something is not so French with it......heehee....and of course clay is coaching the travelling baseball team and Katie is spending time with her fried for their weekly Desperate Housewives night.....ahhh.......motherhood!

I did have my French lesson for the week after a miscommunication Friday.  My Mom was gracious to make Quiche Lorraine, tomatoes, Croissants and I contributed cut up berries.  My french influence of the day....

until next time...........

Friday, May 6, 2011

184 days to go.....


I stumbled over some interesting modes of transportation during my investigation into what to do when we're in Paris.  While the metro is probably the safest and most practical mode of transport, here are some fun ways to get around....

Funway #1  Touring Paris in a Citoen 2CV
Described as a quirky little tin snail of a french car, with voluptuous curves and cheerful cheeky eyes.

Funway #2 Tandem Cycling
While this will certainly provide exercise and excitement I think it will be a bit too cold in November.

FunWay #3  Cyclobulle

Electronically powered along with a pedal function

Whatever mode we choose, I'm sure it will be good for a giggle or two.

Until next time......auvoir


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

186 days to go.......


My Berlitz 5-Minute Travel French lesson book/CD has arrived.  I'm not sure what that means since I'm on week 2 of Berlitz 5-minute French lessons.  This is just adding more to the pot..  I shouldn't complain as this should just help me more. 

I received much info from people on how to pack for November weather in France. Merci beaucoup! 

Short and sweet today.  I worked a long shift.  I am now reviewing my daily french food Email for a Mothers' Day menu that is French inspired.

A bientot!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

187 days to Shop ... for a wardrobe suited for Paris life!  Now we're talkin'.  I've been spending some quality time reading everything I can on how to do Paris on the 'cheap' but right.....

of all the things that stuck in my head.....stepping up the wardrobe was it.  While one can wear jeans walking around Paris during the day, the jeans should be a step up from casual. Since we'll be there in November I have an array of les bottes fashionable worthy of trekking many miles; however I will innocently 'forget' le foulard and chapeau.  They are abundant in Paris and the surrounding areas and quite lovely.

A demain -

Monday, May 2, 2011

188 days

Well, this homework stuff is for the birds (oops! did I just say that?)  My only salvation is I will be putting what I learn to good use.  I really don't have much to say today....the french wine tasting Saturday has done me in with regards to wine for a few days.  I did have french bread and caprese salad for dinner tonight.  As mentioned on a previous blog, we are planning on spending a couple days in Rome so Caprese Salad is hitting on the Italian side of things. 

I posted this pic previously but am in awe that this scene is on a street in Paris.  I cannot wait to be a part of all the history, romance, culture, wine and food, the french countryside, etc.

Andy still hasn't submitted his passport application.  His postoffice experience must have totally traumatized him.  Well, he better get crackin or I will be going at it alone :-)

Well, until tomorrow

Sunday, May 1, 2011

189 days to go - oops

Now that I'm home and near my trusty Paris calendar, I see I have 189 days to go today....yipee!  Anyway, today was French lesson number 2 with Talia.  Our regular meeting place is Applebee's Bedford.  My mom joined us today and we had our now customary French Onion Soup and some delightful conversation.

Once our bellies were satisfied, our lessons began....With duo headsets on we began our Berlitz 5-minute French journey.  I'm not sure how they came up with the name because 45 minutes later I felt the dawn of light finally hit me.  Talia has been telling me all along that its more important to just begin talking french and get involved in the conversation and it will fall into place.  Too lengthy to explain, but she was right!  My 'homework' this week is to get through Unit 1 and review Unit 2 for our next meeting.

What wonderful insight do I have to share with you today , you ask.....

Bonjour. Je m'appelle Deb.  Je suis les Etats-Unis.

Au revoir.....A bientot...