Friday, October 28, 2011

Holy crapola! Only 8 more days.......:-) :-) :-)


Well, as is my typical fashion, French will not be rolling off my tongue while in France.  I am really disappointed that my brain just isn't the sponge it used to be but it is what it is. 

I have our voucher for the Paris Pass so now all I have to do is map out how to get to the pickup location once we are at our Apartment.  Well, won't that be an adventure in itself :-)

I had dinner with Jennifer the other night and went thru 300 + pics she took while they were in France last month.  I will hopefully be able to visualize many of the cafes she recommended.  I know where to find the 'perfect' location for a pic with the Eiffel Tower in the background.  I can go on and on....but need to move on as I have much to do!

I suspect this may be my last entry until I get to Paris.  I have so much to do.  I still haven't decided what to take in the way of clothes, shoes, boots, etc.  I need to gather all our necessary papers and make sure all is in order.

A bientot!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Final Countdown has begun.....

So, my loyal followers :-)

Only 20 more anxiety ridden days before we board Continental for our trip that took 26 years to take.  My anxiety stems from more than one thing -

  • will we be able to interpret our landlords directions to the apartment,
  • will I make the right clothing/shoes/boots choices to take with me; and
  • is our luggage big enought (yet light enough).

Yes, I have been 'trying out' outfit combinations of lightweight and wrinkle resistent fabrics for the last few days to see what will and will not work.  I have developed a kinship with leggings and boxy tops (I feel like I'm back in the 80's), ankle boots and loafers. 

As I carry on......we have decided to get a Paris Pass, which is good for entrance into 64 attractions (for lack of a better word), the Hop On Hop Off, Metro and discounts on several restaurants and shops.  I also stumbled over a Ghost Tour that I would love to take as it sounds fascinating.  You never know what we may get into.  There are also catacombs under Notre Dame that we can get to with the Paris Pass. 

Well, I am going to say a bientot to you all as I continue treasure hunting for things to do in Paris.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

whoo hoo! 29 glorious days left

I cannot believe I am finally at my month countdown!!!!!  I met with my friend Jennifer yesterday.  Jennifer and her husband just got back from France.  They spent about 5 days in Paris and I think a week in the south of France.  Jennifer just glows when she talks about Paris.  She was pretty adamant that we should just explore Paris and not try to do much outside of the city.

I will be talking with my travel agent this coming week to set up a Hop On Hop Off ticket, metro passes, museum/amusement passes, etc.  Seems to be the way to go.  While I intend to spend the majority of time in Paris, I'm also planning on a 1 to 2 day trip to normandy to Saint Michele.  I need all the blessings I can get!  My family is from Alsace so I also want to spend a day there.  I promised Leslie I'd get a pic of the Welcome to Alsace sign.

A bientot!