Thursday, July 28, 2011

101 days of waiting.......

Hasn't been so long since my last update.  I just read something that has done wonders at easing my mind.  There is so much I want to see and do in France that I think I may be overwhelmed and antsy with anticipation so I'm really not doing much of anything......these are very wise words.

One cannot organize an adventure any more than one can rehearse spontaneity...Trevanian

A bientot!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

105 more days of impatience


I've been reflecting back on when this all started.  Well, actually my quest to go to France began 26 + years ago but the blog countdown began 202 days ago. The impatience has begun......

a dear client from CS has given me a mission of locating and reserving a table at a restaurant that she wants Andy and I to eat at called LaSerre.  From all indications it appears to be a very fine restaurant indeed. Andy will need to pack one of his suit jackets to get in the door ay LaSerre.  Luckily, they have a website that has the menu and it has english translation.  I will need to make sure I remember it well so I do not order anything that I would soon not eat....  I intend to enjoy every mouthful of every meal for 14 days!

I have finally begun some constructive language learning.  Poor Talia tried so hard to help me master something french and I'm afraid the best I did were greetings.  I am working on flashcards because I will need all 100+ days to gain at least a smidgen of understanding.  If we are to go into wine country we will need to speak some sort of French because the further in we get, the less likely we are to find english speaking folks.

Well, enough reflecting for today's blog. A bientot!

Sunday, July 3, 2011



It has been some time since I have last visited France (in my mind!).  At the encouragement of my fan (thank you dad) I am again updating whoever may be keeping up with my journey......

Well, the Andy passport saga has finally come to an end!  Passport is in hand! Yipee!  Now we both have tickets and passport and are patiently (?) waiting for the day to arrive.   Twenty six years of waiting is coming close to fruition!!!!

I must admit France has not been first and foremost on my mind as of late.  With the warm weather I have been going from work to working in the gardens to walking with my friend Katy.  I have temporarily discontinued french lessons with Talia.  My days have been far too busy for me to study.  Today was filled with family time as we spend a few hours at my dad's for his annual BBQ/Clay birthday combo.

I did do my aunt duty and teach Leo that an Owl went "Hootie Hoot!" and bubbles blown with gum can be fun and nothing scary.  Apparently he had a past fear of bubbles.

Well, a bientot!
