Friday, September 23, 2011

44 more to go ......

Well, my Paris calendar indicates the Autumnal Equinox is upon is the shrinking of the days until takeoff!

I had a call from Jennifer, who just got back from France.  She love, love, loved it!  We are getting together in the coming week so further info forthcoming.

I also received some info from Mike, the CS client whose company is based in Paris.  He spends quite a bit of time there and was gracious enough to offer to help us out before arriving.  He connected me up with Michelle, who lives in Paris and is recommending quite a few places to eat. Its all about food, isn't it!

Anyway, we have the Eiffle Tower reserved as well as dinner cruise on the Seine.......thinks are moving along!!!

Well, if only my french lessons were going as well....or even going :-(

a bientot!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

47 impatient days to go......


Oui!  Anyone who knows me knows that while I may seem untouched on the outside (?) I am pacing back and forth on the inside.   Its taking far too long to get to November 5th. 

My last update had me seriously considering french lessons again but, alas, I just can't seem to find the time.  I've got back into my workout routine which takes a lot of my time.  Not to mention my new found love of Dexter.  I am not a 'sit in front of the tv' kind of gal but Dexter is rivoting.  It seems to take my mind off France, atleast for the moments I'm mesmerized with Dexter Morgan and his total lack of any emotions. 

My friend, Jennifer should be back from France about now and I'm waiting to hear how her visit was. I will be taking many notes on what to do, see, watch out for, etc.

Well....a bientot!