Monday, June 13, 2011

146 days

Well, I had a fabulous french meal yesterday, compliments of my mom!  She was very creative and worked very hard (I suspect) to create the perfect accompanyment to my french lesson with Talia.  The menu is below (wish I took pics).  An actual menu was on each of our plates.

Le Petit Dejeuner
Crepes w/ la sauce d'orange
croissant au beurre
quiche lorraine
salade de fruits
le us d'orange

What a wonderful surprise and it all tasted fabu!  Of course  both Talia and I were late so we had to skip the french lesson (heehee) but oh the food!

Merci Mom

a bientot!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

150 days left - whoo hoo

Well, my faithful followers....Andy has finally submitted his passport application and it is on its way to the State.  Will wonders never cease!

There has been nothing going on.  The weather has been relatively good for gardening, even though its been a bit hot (did I just say that?).  I never thought I would say anything negative about the weather again as long as the rains stopped......the joys of Mother Nature!

This Sunday morning will be yet another French lesson.  I have been faithfully meeting dear Talia every week and still cannot get past lesson (2).  Maybe this week :-) mom is having us over for brunch and I do believe she will be creating all French.....

Well, a bientot!